Rich Internet Application is a web application that has the features and functionality of traditional desktop application. Rich Internet Application typically transfer the processing necessary for the user interface to the web client but keep the bulk of data back on the application server. Rich Internet Application does not require any type of software installation. It also runs locally in a secure environment called a sandbox.
Rich Internet Application combines the power of both desktop and application and web application. The interactive user experience available in the desktop application is combined with the low case of development and spread of web applications to create rich internet applications. When a user requests for a rich internet application, the requested page is loaded in the browser, any further requests by the user does not cause the page to reload. Only the portions affected by the requests are reloaded.
Rich Internet Application can be developed by using AJAX and Flash technologies. Generally, AJAX is short for asynchronous Java Script and XML. In AJAX the client and server interaction is asynchronous. The client server interaction is not based on requests. The server can upload the data to the browser without waiting for a request. The main advantages of AJAX based rich internet applications is the fast download speed of AJAX based applications.
Flash is also used to develop rich internet applications; a flash player is used to render flash content to users. Flash can be used in Rich Internet Application to integrate audio and vide content. Flash is ideally suited for Rich Internet Applications where the emphasis on animations and graphics is high.
By using AJAX, Flash, PHP and MySQL, we can develop different types of Rich Internet Applications as per client’s requirements.
Rich Internet Application provides an enhanced and interactive browsing experience to the users. In Rich Internet Applications most of the processing takes place at the client’s and thereby reducing the server load and bandwidth consumption. In the case of Rich Internet Application, once a web page is loaded, only data is transmitted between the client and the server. Rich Internet Applications have a modular architecture. Components can be easily reused and integrated with a variety of solutions. Graphics, charts and other multimedia elements can be easily integrated with Rich Internet Applications. Rich Internet Application helps in developing responsive applications that can be used to simplify complex processes within applications. Processes involving multiple steps can be combined into a single screen with different tabs for each process. The user can collective save all details of all the steps.
At lest 60 percent of new applications development projects will beincluded Rich Internet Applications technology by 2010.
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