Friday, December 14, 2007

Web 2.0

Technologies like a web blogs, social book marking, wikis, pod casts, RSS feeds, social software, web application programming interfaces, and online web services such as eBay and Google mail provide enhancements over read only websites. Stephen Fry describes Web 2.0.

Entering Web 2.0, a vision of the web information is almost broken up into the units of micro content which can be distributed over dozens of domains. The web of documents has morphed into a web of data. We are no longer just looking to the similar old sources for information. Now we are looking to a new set of tools to collective and remix micro content in new and useful ways.

Users are permitted by web 2.0 websites to do better than just retrieve the information. They can build on the interactive facilities of Web 1.0 to provide Network as platform computing, allowing users to run software-applications entire through a browser. On a web 2.0, Users can own the data and exercise to control over the data. Architecture of participation can encourage the users to add value to the application as they use it. This stands in contrast to very old traditional websites, the sort which limited visitors to viewing and whose content only the site’s owner could modify. Web 2.0 sites often feature a rich, user-friendly interface base on AJAX or similar rich media. The sites may also have social-networking aspects.

Web 2.0 has often been described as the web as platform, and if we think about the web as a platform for interacting with content, we begin to see how it impacts design. Imagine a bunch of stores of content provided by different companies, individuals, governments, upon which we could build interfaces that combine the information in ways no single domain ever could. Suppose, makes its database of content is accessible to the outside world. Anyone can design an interface to replace Amazon’s that better suits specific needs. The power of this is that content can be personalized or remixed with other data to create much more useful tools.

The effects of Web 2.0 are far reaching. Like all paradigm shifts, it affects the people who use it socially, culturally, and ever politically. One of the most affected groups is the designers and developers who will build it, not just because their technical skills will change.

Outsource PHP Development India

India is an offshore software development center, PHP MySQL development and MySQL Programming center. In India new challenges are accepted by well skilled PHP developers and programmers and they are also resolving them and moving ahead. For the PHP developers, open source codes are always available without any cost. Developers can use, manage and update the code. They are also editing, modifying the source code and then after they update these code.

Well skilled and expert developers, enthusiastic Joomla professionals, web designers, expert PHP programmers have motivated India in the Outsourcing PHP development market. PHP developers leverage expertise scalable dealing solutions to their clients for all kind of projects and size of business. For the developers, open source is a grand help as the source code is always available with out any cost for utilize that supports in better utilization of resources and cost diminution.

Developers can use PHP MySQL for different types of dynamic applications as it helps to modify accessible module by using custom software solutions, using accessible source code of custom application or modifying as per client requirements. Developers can modify the code of different types of applications because PHP provides open source code and also it provides easy third party integration. All clients would like to migrate from the static website to more interactive dynamic website. By using PHP, Web developers can make website more attractive and user-friendly so users would like to spend more time for surfing, innovating, researching, learning and shopping etc. Nowadays, Ecommerce websites and online store fronts have been becoming very popular. The one of the most beneficial feature is, user can purchase anything of their choice sitting at home by online shopping. For that Website should have Content Management System. Content Management System can also be developed using PHP and MySQL. Companies want to sell their services and products, for that they need to increase the visibility and generate leads. With internet soaring high many online communities have emerged and social media optimization has become very strong web promotion tools (Search Engine Optimizations tool). By using PHP and MySQL Email newsletters, ecommerce websites, message boards, forums, online storefront, content management system, social bookmarking sites, blogs, database development and many other applications can be developed dynamically.

India is an offshore PHP development center that outsources and hires well skilled PHP developers in India. Open source tools like LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) are used for Content Management Systems solutions and application development.

Rich Internet Application

Rich Internet Application is a web application that has the features and functionality of traditional desktop application. Rich Internet Application typically transfer the processing necessary for the user interface to the web client but keep the bulk of data back on the application server. Rich Internet Application does not require any type of software installation. It also runs locally in a secure environment called a sandbox.

Rich Internet Application combines the power of both desktop and application and web application. The interactive user experience available in the desktop application is combined with the low case of development and spread of web applications to create rich internet applications. When a user requests for a rich internet application, the requested page is loaded in the browser, any further requests by the user does not cause the page to reload. Only the portions affected by the requests are reloaded.

Rich Internet Application can be developed by using AJAX and Flash technologies. Generally, AJAX is short for asynchronous Java Script and XML. In AJAX the client and server interaction is asynchronous. The client server interaction is not based on requests. The server can upload the data to the browser without waiting for a request. The main advantages of AJAX based rich internet applications is the fast download speed of AJAX based applications.

Flash is also used to develop rich internet applications; a flash player is used to render flash content to users. Flash can be used in Rich Internet Application to integrate audio and vide content. Flash is ideally suited for Rich Internet Applications where the emphasis on animations and graphics is high.

By using AJAX, Flash, PHP and MySQL, we can develop different types of Rich Internet Applications as per client’s requirements.

Rich Internet Application provides an enhanced and interactive browsing experience to the users. In Rich Internet Applications most of the processing takes place at the client’s and thereby reducing the server load and bandwidth consumption. In the case of Rich Internet Application, once a web page is loaded, only data is transmitted between the client and the server. Rich Internet Applications have a modular architecture. Components can be easily reused and integrated with a variety of solutions. Graphics, charts and other multimedia elements can be easily integrated with Rich Internet Applications. Rich Internet Application helps in developing responsive applications that can be used to simplify complex processes within applications. Processes involving multiple steps can be combined into a single screen with different tabs for each process. The user can collective save all details of all the steps.

At lest 60 percent of new applications development projects will beincluded Rich Internet Applications technology by 2010.

Benefits of Rich Internet Application

A Rich Internet Application is a Web application having features similar to that of a Desktop Application. It was first introduced by a Macromedia White Paper in 2002. It is a largely used Internet Application because it is user friendly, not too heavy and is extensible. The tool used in building and showing RIA is Adobe Flex™ 2. This system is used to process data on the server and the client only displays static content. This service brings satisfaction for the customers, as it boosts the experience of the users making them more dynamic.

The benefits of RIA include the following:

  1. It is richer in the sense that it has all the advantages not available in other HTML widgets.
  2. It is more responsive than a standard Web Browser.
  3. As Adobe® Flash™ Player 9 is used in running RIA, it can reach to a large number of people with quality content.

As any technology has some drawbacks and shortcomings along with all the benefits, same is the case with RIA and they are as follows:

  1. As RIA is run in a sandbox, the users cannot access system resources.
  2. As it uses Java, if the user is not comfortable with the language, RIA will not work properly.
  3. Scripts might take a long time to get downloaded in an RIA.
  4. The content might not get easily displayed on the search engines.
  5. It needs good internet connectivity, in the absence of which it may not give desired results.

Once the above criteria gets fulfilled, the RIA is the most user friendly system, which is both installation and system issue free.